Soul Motion®
Soul Motion® is our body‘s wisdom. A wisdom that can be expressed by the tiniest movement up to the dance - and everything in between. Soul Motion® opens the space for everything that is there in that very moment. It enables us to listen and to sense what our body is telling us, opens our heart and connects us to our soul.
A concious dance practice, founded and created by Vincent Arjuna Martínez-Grieco, that reminds us of our own truth - in every moment again and again, it grounds and centers us and it helps us to find our balance.
In contact with yourself, with others and with everything that is and that is there.
Soul Motion® is about integrating what we experience on the dance floor into our everyday lives.
Everyone is welcome. No matter what age or bodily condition. Your body knows what is available.
You can also have a look on the official Soul Motion® Website:

Rhein in Motion
We, Moya, Ananda and Mira, bring Soul Motion® to the Rhineland. The Rhine connects the cities in which we live:
Cologne, Bonn and Düsseldorf.
Just like the water, we are also in flow and movement. Always.
We dance outdoors in nature.
We connect to our soul, and our heart connects with what is there.
We give space for silence, space for the familiar and for everything that is new. We feel, we sense, we are present. We are.
All information about the current workshops - where and when - can be found on our Facebook page: Rhein in Motion or simply send us an email to: rheininmotion@gmail.com
Our workshop dates in 2019, always 11:00 - 14:30 o'clock:
03.05. 2020
05.07. 2020
06.09. 2020
01.11. 2020
Teresa Moya Schlummer:
Soul Motion® teacher, music and relaxation therapist, Reiki user, clown and much more
Mira Scholz:
Soul Motion® teacher, Kundalini Yoga teacher, dancer and
artist, creative idea creator and film-maker, globetrotter
Monika Ananda Wiese:
Teacher for movement according to Soul Motion®,
translator & Hawaiian. Bodywork, singing with nature, Huna KaMoWi